Kidera Primary School Farm
The construction of the Kidera Primary School Farm was realised with the help of a grant from the Tyrolean government (development cooperation) and funding from RC Innsbruck Alpin, RC Kitzbühel and RC Bonn-Rheinbogen.
The aim of the school farm is to enable the pupils and teachers at Kidera Primary School to provide for themselves on a daily basis, to teach them about modern agriculture and to learn more about food processing and the importance of nutrients.
The biggest risk is the weather conditions. Due to climate change, the dry periods are longer, while the rainy seasons are accompanied by heavy storms and hail. The solar water pumping system was installed to ensure year-round irrigation. As there was not enough water in the neighbouring stream, a well was dug and water tanks were purchased. In the meantime, RC Innsbruck Alpin has financed a borehole so that water is now available all year round.
The project management was carried out by Doris and Judith, implementation was carried out by TADEFO. On 23rd of November 2023 His Royal Highness Kwar Adhola handed over the school farm to the school in a festive ceremony. The land was donated by Sam Owori Trust through Rtn. Stephen Owori.
The project was completed in summer 2024 successfully. In the meantime, the Kidera Development Foundation has been established, which successfully continues to run the school farm with the School Management Committee.