Women's Group

The Kidera women’s group has been trained by professionals in:

  • sewing of reusable sanitary pads (14 sewing machines have been provided)

  • soap making (liquid and bars)

Investment in complete set for catering has enabled the women to build up their catering business. They have already been able to show off their skills at their first few events and have been in demand ever since. The ‘Fungo’ brand was developed and even got its own logo and the first 1,000 set of pads with soap have been produced for sales.

Rtn. Kazibwe Agnes Nanyonjo supervises and personally supports the practical training and managed the women. She organised the first few days of sales as part of the EASTERN MEGA FELLOWSHIP 5TH EDITION.

Further vocational trainings are planned and the next 90 women and men have shown an interest in this educational program. We are looking for further financial support for this.